SkillsBase Technologies

SkillsBase Technologies

SkillsBase Technologies At SkillsBase, we offer an array of solutions. These solutions include a range of new tools such as the AR (Augmented Reality) Planning tool and the multi-award nominated AI (Artificial Intelligence) Virtual Buddy Tool that makes it easier for...
SkillsBase AR (Augmented Reality) Planning Tool

SkillsBase AR (Augmented Reality) Planning Tool

SkillsBase AR (Augmented Reality) Planning Tool Augmented reality (AR) is one of the biggest technology trends right now, and it is getting even more prominent around the world. Augmented reality is an interactive experience that combines the real world and...

XR (Extended Reality) and Sustainability

XR (Extended Reality) and Sustainability XR (Extended Reality) is an umbrella term for a variety of immersive technologies, including VR (Virtual Reality), MR (Mixed Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality). But what can XR do to help us towards an eco-friendly future? 1....
SkillsBase Attends the FTTH Conference

SkillsBase Attends the FTTH Conference

SkillsBase Attends the FTTH Conference SkillsBase is attending the FTTH Council Europe Conference in Madrid alongside our client! FTTH is an industry associate that is dedicated to expanding fibre-based connectivity throughout Europe, and SkillsBase is honoured to be...