Protecting Your Data with Unmatched Security

At SkillsBase, the security of your data is our top priority. We adhere to the highest industry standards, including ISO27001:2022 certification, to protect your sensitive information. Trust SkillsBase to provide a secure environment that allows your business to operate confidently and focus on achieving your goals.


Security at SkillsBase

At SkillsBase, we take the security of our customer’s information seriously. We have implemented comprehensive security measures to protect all data against unauthorised access, breaches, and other cyber threats. Our robust information security management system (ISMS) aligns with industry best practices and includes strict access controls, advanced network security protocols, and rigorous physical and environmental protections.

We are proud to be ISO27001:2022 certified, demonstrating our commitment to maintaining the highest information security standards. This certification highlights our systematic approach to managing sensitive information and minimising risks.

Security at SkillsBase

At SkillsBase, we take the security of our customer’s information seriously. We have implemented comprehensive security measures to protect all data against unauthorised access, breaches, and other cyber threats. Our robust information security management system (ISMS) aligns with industry best practices and includes strict access controls, advanced network security protocols, and rigorous physical and environmental protections.

We are proud to be ISO27001:2022 certified, demonstrating our commitment to maintaining the highest information security standards. This certification highlights our systematic approach to managing sensitive information and minimising risks.

SkillsBase is ISO 27001-certified

At SkillsBase, we are proud to have achieved our ISO27001:2022 certification, a globally recognised information security management system (ISMS) standard. This certification underscores our commitment to protecting sensitive information and managing risks effectively. ISO27001:2022, jointly published by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), sets strict requirements that organisations must meet to ensure data security.

With this certification, our customers can rest assured that their data is handled with the highest security standards, reducing the risks associated with data breaches and cyber-attacks. At SkillsBase, we prioritise information security and aim to exceed our customer’s expectations by maintaining and enhancing our security practices.

Comprehensive Staff Security Training

At SkillsBase, we prioritise the security of your data by ensuring that all our staff members undergo comprehensive security training. Our team is continuously updated with the latest security standards and protocols. We conduct frequent testing to ensure our employees are well-prepared to recognise and respond to potential security threats. This rigorous approach guarantees that our staff remains vigilant and knowledgeable, providing you with the highest level of data protection.

Comprehensive Staff Security Training

At SkillsBase, we prioritise the security of your data by ensuring that all our staff members undergo comprehensive security training. Our team is continuously updated with the latest security standards and protocols. We conduct frequent testing to ensure our employees are well-prepared to recognise and respond to potential security threats. This rigorous approach guarantees that our staff remains vigilant and knowledgeable, providing you with the highest level of data protection.

Protect Your Data with SkillsBase

At SkillsBase, your data security is our top priority. With our ISO27001:2022 certification and comprehensive security measures, we ensure your information is protected against unauthorised access and cyber threats. Contact us today to learn more about our robust security practices and how we safeguard your sensitive data.