Enhance Compliance and Quality with AI

The SkillsBase AI Virtual Buddy is an innovative Computer Vision AI tool designed to elevate your business by providing real-time self-checks on installation quality, automating quality control processes, and enhancing on-the-job learning. The Propriertary Computer Vision SkillsAI Engine powers instant feedback and real-world performance measurements. This tool helps businesses proactively detect and address errors, optimise installation quality, and achieve superior results.


Use SkillsBase Virtual Buddy in 4 Easy Steps

Open the Virtual Buddy on the SkillsBase app and take a picture of the object.

The Virtual Buddy scans the photo to detect any faults the user may have made.

Virtual Buddy returns the faults it finds along with solutions and tutorials on how to fix them.

Users fix the errors, submit another photo, and send it to management for review on the operator panel once all errors are resolved.

Key AI Virtual Buddy Features

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Enhanced Completion Rates and Error-Free Results


With real-time job support in the field, trainee engineers can achieve a higher completion rate, retain more knowledge, and achieve error-free results in field installations. SkillsBase AI Virtual Buddy empowers users by offering a mobile-based, innovative AI tool for real-time self-checks on installation quality. This facilitates a continuous on-the-job learning cycle and automates quality control processes. Users can scan instant photos and receive immediate feedback, translating virtual screen measurements into real-world performance, ensuring optimal performance and quality assurance.

Proactive Error Detection and Instant Feedback


The AI Virtual Buddy helps businesses detect real-time errors, allowing for prompt resolution and preventing potential issues from escalating. The app provides instant feedback on installation quality, enabling businesses to measure and monitor real-time performance. This immediate feedback loop helps users understand their performance and make necessary adjustments on the spot, ensuring continuous improvement. The AI Virtual Buddy ensures reliable and precise identification of errors and issues, enhancing the tool’s effectiveness and giving users confidence in their performance assessments.

Continuous On-the-Job Learning and Quality Control


The AI Virtual Buddy promotes continuous on-the-job learning by providing real-time feedback and insights for skill development. This ongoing learning process helps users improve their skills and knowledge, leading to better performance and job satisfaction. By automating quality control processes, the AI Virtual Buddy streamlines workflow and ensures consistent standards, reducing the need for manual checks and allowing businesses to focus on more strategic tasks.

Supplemented Training, Compliance, and High Accuracy

The AI Virtual Buddy can supplement face-to-face training with centralised materials, providing users access to essential resources and training materials anytime, anywhere. Through the app’s feedback loop, businesses can provide proof of learning and compliance, ensuring that users receive training and demonstrate their understanding and adherence to required standards. The AI Virtual Buddy also offers pre-learning training to prepare users for on-the-job tasks, helping them build a solid foundation of knowledge and skills.

Features our customers love

Elevate Compliance and Quality with SkillsBase AI Virtual Buddy

Transform your business with SkillsBase AI Virtual Buddy, an innovative tool providing real-time self-checks, automated quality control, and enhanced on-the-job learning. With instant feedback and advanced error detection, our AI tool helps you optimise performance and ensure compliance. Contact us today to discover how SkillsBase can revolutionise your quality control processes.